Rainlang language design
The primary goal of the rain language is to make smart contract development accessible for as many people as possible.
This is fundamentally grounded in our belief that accessibility is the difference between theoretical and practical decentralisation. There are many people who would like to participate in authoring and auditing crypto code but currently cannot. When someone wants/needs to do something but cannot, then they delegate to someone who can, this is by definition centralisation.
This document describes several decisions and affordances that aim to make Rainlang the most accessible smart contract language.
The Rain language can simply be called "Rain" but it is recommended for technical articles to refer to it as Rainlang for googlability. We want people to be able to find information about the Rain language, so much as "go" is also "golang" we can say "rain" is also "rainlang".
When describing the functional units of a language we have to consider that every programming language is simultaneously doing at least three things:
- Representing concepts/abstractions as a human understands them
- Being a precise mathematical/logical framework suitable for finance, etc.
- Modelling hardware, shuffling 1's and 0's around the memory/storage/network
The EVM opcodes are very much ~80% the third item, and ~20% the second item, and 0% the first, and most languages with a reputation for being "low level" follow that.
Languages like Solidity (algol-like) focus more on syntax than opcodes. The structure of the code controls the execution code paths (functions, loops, etc.), and there's some keywords to move data between hardware locations such as storage and memory. There are some affordances such as overflow protection on math (version 0.8+) but Solidity is mostly structural over the underlying EVM logic. That is to say, it still has a similar focus (on hardware and math) but with a more ergonomic experience for common concerns such as dispatching function calls, looping, handling bitwise offsets in memory, etc.
Rainlang is much closer to EVM in structure, but with a primary focus on human concepts, secondary on logic and trying to avoid hardware concerns everywhere.
With the focus on human concepts/language in mind rainlang calls:
- A unit of logic is a "word" NOT "opcode", "instruction" or "function", etc.
- Several words logically combined are an "expression" or "sentence", NOT "function", "script", "curve", or "equation", etc.
- Converting text to binary data that runs onchain is "parsing"
- Converting binary data that runs to text is "formatting"
- Writing Rainlang expressions is "writing" or "authoring"
- Reading Rainlang expressions is "reading", "reviewing" or "auditing"
Rainlang is extensible/moddableβ
Rainlang is designed so that implementers can hot swap every aspect of the implementation down to all opcodes and even the interpreter itself. As long as the interpreter implementer can provide metadata about their opcodes and interpreter then the bytecode can be parsed and formatted bidirectionally (see below). A malicious expression author or solidity dev cannot change the formatting of an honest interpreter+metadata combination, so end-users protect themselves by carefully selecting which interpreters to trust.
Rainlang is designed for a "code is law" environmentβ
This is NOT an idealogical statement or a manifesto of what "ought to be".
It's a simple description of what IS that also HAS BEEN for over a decade now.
When a user cryptographically signs a valid transaction with sufficient gas and sends it to a compatible network's mempool it WILL execute and WILL be irreversible.
This "law" is NOT enforced by a local monopoly on violence but a global emergence of greed. It's fascinating and useful that the greed of the masses can be channeled peacefully much like their fear can be channeled violently. Because the mechanism and scope are very different, it's awkward to call it a "law", in fact the local laws of nation states often collide head on with the outcomes of functional p2p systems.
In many ways centralised organisations justify their bads as "necessary evils" that are necessitated by the apparent impossibility of achieving "roads and hospitals" via any other means. Much as science grinds away at the god of the gaps, undermining the church's monopoly on all creation, p2p systems slowly but irreversibly convert "necessary evils" into unnecessary ones. This causes friction with corrupt pawns of the state apparatus who in turn find it harder to break legs to sell crutches. No honest bureaucrat should fear p2p systems as the end goal is the same, to protect the weak and shephard each generation toward greater things.
It's worth remembering however that bibles and legislations are mere technologies crafted by humans for humans. By accepting at a societal level to drive on the same side of the road, the impossible-to-build slab of asphalt also becomes a miracle of modern transportation. It's also worth remembering that newer technologies eventually replace older ones. This is something to celebrate as the main reason our species is more relevant than monkeys in a jungle somewhere being cat food.
It's worth specifying what the "code is law" technology enables. We can point to technical abstractions like Byzantine Generals, but more concisely it's something like this:
Compliant participants that know and follow some rules can defend themselves with some confidence from disruption and damage by non-compliant participants. Following the rules somehow has some net benefit to the collective even though breaking them often benefits the individual.
Which is broadly the same problem domain that bibles and legislation tackle. The issue with all these systems is that their effectiveness comes down to the ratio of conformance. There's some threshold of compliance below which the system is stable and anything above that is chaotic or even dangerous/deadly.
The nice thing about code is that it can be perfectly compliant for as long as and to the limit of the infrastructure it runs on being operational. Code can also be perfectly malicious, executing attacks with superhuman persistence, scale and subterfuge.
This is where Rainlang comes in.
Much like a 10 thousand page legal disclaimer in front of a $1 purchase from your favourite app store, there are limits to human attention and comprehension. Taking 10 thousand pages and condensing it to an equivalent 10 sentences is a significant win for legalese. Human brains work best with a small number of potentially subtle and irregular abstractions, like "lake", "river", and "brook" instead of something like "waterplace", "waterfast", and "waterslow", whereas machines prefer the opposite and gladly churn through millions of lines of what looks to us like repetitive white noise in it's raw binary representation.
The million scams and hacks in crypto aren't forced upon anybody at all, they're all relying on exploits and mistakes in the human psyche. The code all runs exactly as it was written every time.
Humans feel entitled to the "undo button" when something happens that they don't like in a way that feels like it was outside their control, especially when "forced" on them by another human. It's this feeling that has and will continue to drive court cases around the world, many of which will rule and set precedent against many of the things that fundamentally make crypto possible at all. In reality nothing happens onchain without a signature and a fully informed, deterministic code path defined and accepted by the transaction sender, but it often doesn't feel that way to the end user.
For crypto to survive the next decade, humans have to feel like they can understand and control the outcomes of what they sign. If something suspicious is being asked to be signed the user needs to be able to recognise and reject it themselves. If something bad happens then people need to be able to see where they went wrong and feel like they can learn from their mistakes and improve in the future. In the best case this can even trigger a highly rewarding mental state called Flow.
Rainlang explicitly aims to give a reasonably motivated, reasonably technical person this feeling of control. The target audience is somewhere around the average accountant or spreadsheet jockey, which is far below the current expertise required to interface with the EVM.
Rainlang is read-write (in that order) not write-onlyβ
Most programming languages are designed to be write-only. The sole purpose of the language is to take the intent of the author(s) and execute it on a machine. Users are not expected to understand or even be aware of the code; it would be considered a serious design flaw in the language if they were.
Rainlang is designed to be read-write with a priority on reading. The bytecode can be directly formatted into a form that is both concise and difficult to misinterpret. Where there may be ambiguity or confusion about the calculation or provenance of some data, we err on the side of being as explicit/unambiguous as possible.
Most programming languages are designed to scale into the 10k-10M+ of lines of code (e.g. Rust, Java, Solidity, etc.), relying heavily on compilers and other automation to prove correctness and introduce efficiencies over inefficient human bumblings. More recently AI assistance such as Github Copilot have generated much excitement in the code janitor arena, showing that our appetite for generating more lines of code is far from sated.
My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as βlines producedβ but as βlines spentβ: the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.
Edsger W. Dijkstra
Many programming paradigms (e.g. sophisticated type systems, macrology, compiler optimisations, async/await, etc.) follow a certain circular logic to justify their existence. They exist so that authors can write millions of lines of source code that are unrecognisable from the compiled output. The decoupling of input/output means that both reading and writing outputs directly by hand is beyond the realms of human understanding and skill. Writing source code is relatively easy for a human, reading/auditing someone else's source code (or your own after 6 months) is generally harder (wE jUsT nEeD mOrE dOcUmEnTaTiOn!?!?), and reading compiled code is a task best left to the criminal underworld and state actors looking for a high effort, high reward, payout in million/billion dollar and military grade zero day exploits.
Rich hickey, author of the highest paid programming language in the world (clojure), puts it like this:
Okay. So how do we make things easy? Presumably, you know, the objective here is not to just bemoan their software crisis, right? So what can we do to make things easier? So we'll look at those parts, those aspects of being easy again. There's a location aspect. Making something at hand, putting it in our toolkit, that's relatively simple. Right? We just install it. Maybe it's a little bit harder because we have to get somebody to say it's okay to use it.
Then there's the aspect of how do I make it familiar, right? I may not have ever seen this before. That's a learning exercise. I've got to go get a book, go take a tutorial, have somebody explain it to me. Maybe try it out. Right? Both these things we're driving. We're driving. We install. We learn. It's totally in our hands.
Then we have this other part though, which is the mental capability part. And that's the part that's always hard to talk about, the mental capability part because, the fact is, we can learn more things. We actually can't get much smarter. We're not going to move; we're not going to move our brain closer to the complexity. We have to make things near by simplifying them.
But the truth here is not that they're these super, bright people who can do these amazing things and everybody else is stuck because the juggling analogy is pretty close. Right? The average juggler can do three balls. The most amazing juggler in the world can do, like, 9 balls or 12 or something like that. They can't do 20 or 100. We're all very limited. Compared to the complexity we can create, we're all statistically at the same point in our ability to understand it, which is not very good. So we're going to have to bring things towards us.
And because we can only juggle so many balls, you have to make a decision. How many of those balls do you want to be incidental complexity and how many do you want to be problem complexity? How many extra balls? Do you want to have somebody throwing you balls that you have to try to incorporate in here? Oh, use this tool. And you're like, whoa! You know, more stuff. Who wants to do that?
So if "code is law" and we have a decentralised/p2p permissionless network that is supposed to run on compiled code (that "nobody" can read), how the hell does that work?
It's clear that if everyone is signing blank cheques, the devs will cash those cheques at the expense of their users every time. It's a broken system that nobody can use.
Rainlang doesn't rely on verification for comprehensionβ
Solidity has a super power. If you have an exact copy of the source code and compiler options as the author, you can compile the exact same output. This is unusual for compilers generally as they may apply different optimisations and outputs based on the machine they are compiling code on.
This allows the author to upload a copy of their source code to tooling that supports it (e.g. https://etherscan.io/), the tooling can check the source code compiles to what the author claims it does, then everyone else can read the source code.
ethereum.org has this to say on the matter of verifying smart contracts:
There are some parts of the source code that do not affect the compiled bytecode such as comments or variable names. That means two source codes with different variable names and different comments would both be able to verify the same contract. With that, a malicous actor can add deceiving comments or give misleading variable names inside the source code and get the contract verified with a source code different than the original source code.
It is possible to avoid this by appending extra data to the bytecode to serve as a cryptographical guarantee for the exactness of the source code, and as a fingerprint of the compilation information. The necessary information is found in the Solidity's contract metadata, and the hash of this file is appended to the bytecode of a contract. You can see it in action in the metadata playground
The metadata file contains information about the compilation of the contract including the source files and their hashes. Meaning, if any of the compilation settings or even a byte in one of the source files change, the metadata file changes. Consequently the hash of the metadata file, which is appended to the bytecode, also changes. That means if a contract's bytecode + the appended metadata hash match with the given source code and compilation settings, we can be sure this is exactly the same source code used in the original compilation, not even a single byte is different.
This type of verification that leverages the metadata hash is referred to as "full verification)" (also "perfect verification"). If the metadata hashes do not match or are not considered in verification it would be a "partial match", which currently is the more common way to verify contracts. It is possible to insert malicious code that wouldn't be reflected in the verified source code without full verification. Most developers are not aware of the full verification and don't keep the metadata file of their compilation, hence partial verification has been the de facto method to verify contracts so far.
It's definitely worth reading samczsun's article on abusing etherscan's tooling through carefully constructed source code. For as long as full verification isn't the norm, users will continue to be exploited by malicious code authors who upload deceptive source code for the verification process.
Rainlang by comparison has words that represent arbitrary high level logic (e.g. fetching token balances) despite being a stack language (ususally associated with very low level logic). In this way it resembles forth, which has always focussed on achieving high level features through a fractal relationship between words (high level words are defined by combining low level words).
Rainlang words merely reference precompiled functions in an intepreter that is shared across many deployments. Each time someone authors a rainlang expression they can only reference compiled logic, they cannot provide newly compiled logic (unless they reference an entirely new interpreter). This means that interpreters and words can be accruing lindy value independent of the individual expression deployments. It also means that a rainlang expression can be formatted directly by a reader into a something (almost) equally comprehensible as the originally authored source code without further input/cooperation/honesty from the author. This is because ~90%+ of the logic of the expression is provided by the shared interpreter and only arranged/composed by the author. Very long/complex/obfuscated rain expressions should automatically be treated with suspicion by a reader as the language should typically be extended by writing new words in the shared interpreter space rather than including complex logic within individual deployments.
We can compare this to tooling that decompiles Solidity code. This works by analysing the deployed bytecode directly and reverse engineering some believable pseudo-code that allows for understanding.
As ethervm.io's decompiler states:
There are many contracts deployed on the Ethereum network with no source or ABI publicly available. This makes verifying their security and understanding their behaviour a difficult task without the right tools, such as a decompiler. This tool decompiles Ethereum contract bytecode into more readable Solidity-like code, allowing for better understanding of such contracts.
But consider the following excerpt of the mixGenes
function from a cryptokitties decompilation.
/// @dev the function as defined in the breeding contract - as defined in CK bible
function mixGenes(uint256 _genes1, uint256 _genes2, uint256 _targetBlock) public returns (uint256) {
require(block.number > _targetBlock);
// Try to grab the hash of the "target block". This should be available the vast
// majority of the time (it will only fail if no-one calls giveBirth() within 256
// blocks of the target block, which is about 40 minutes. Since anyone can call
// giveBirth() and they are rewarded with ether if it succeeds, this is quite unlikely.)
uint256 randomN = uint256(block.blockhash(_targetBlock));
if (randomN == 0) {
// We don't want to completely bail if the target block is no-longer available,
// nor do we want to just use the current block's hash (since it could allow a
// caller to game the random result). Compute the most recent block that has the
// the same value modulo 256 as the target block. The hash for this block will
// still be available, and β while it can still change as time passes β it will
// only change every 40 minutes. Again, someone is very likely to jump in with
// the giveBirth() call before it can cycle too many times.
_targetBlock = (block.number & maskFirst248Bits) + (_targetBlock & maskLast8Bits);
// The computation above could result in a block LARGER than the current block,
// if so, subtract 256.
if (_targetBlock >= block.number) _targetBlock -= 256;
randomN = uint256(block.blockhash(_targetBlock));
// assert(block.number != _targetBlock);
// assert((block.number - _targetBlock) <= 256);
// assert(randomN != 0);
// generate 256 bits of random, using as much entropy as we can from
// sources that can't change between calls.
randomN = uint256(keccak256(randomN, _genes1, _genes2, _targetBlock));
uint256 randomIndex = 0;
uint8[] memory genes1Array = decode(_genes1);
uint8[] memory genes2Array = decode(_genes2);
// All traits that will belong to baby
uint8[] memory babyArray = new uint8[](48);
// A pointer to the trait we are dealing with currently
uint256 traitPos;
// Trait swap value holder
uint8 swap;
// iterate all 12 characteristics
for(uint256 i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
// pick 4 traits for characteristic i
uint256 j;
// store the current random value
uint256 rand;
for(j = 3; j >= 1; j--) {
traitPos = (i * 4) + j;
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 2, randomIndex); // 0~3
randomIndex += 2;
// 1/4 of a chance of gene swapping forward towards expressing.
if (rand == 0) {
// do it for parent 1
swap = genes1Array[traitPos];
genes1Array[traitPos] = genes1Array[traitPos - 1];
genes1Array[traitPos - 1] = swap;
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 2, randomIndex); // 0~3
randomIndex += 2;
if (rand == 0) {
// do it for parent 2
swap = genes2Array[traitPos];
genes2Array[traitPos] = genes2Array[traitPos - 1];
genes2Array[traitPos - 1] = swap;
// DEBUG ONLY - We should have used 72 2-bit slices above for the swapping
// which will have consumed 144 bits.
// assert(randomIndex == 144);
// We have 256 - 144 = 112 bits of randomness left at this point. We will use up to
// four bits for the first slot of each trait (three for the possible ascension, one
// to pick between mom and dad if the ascension fails, for a total of 48 bits. The other
// traits use one bit to pick between parents (36 gene pairs, 36 genes), leaving us
// well within our entropy budget.
// done shuffling parent genes, now let's decide on choosing trait and if ascending.
// NOTE: Ascensions ONLY happen in the "top slot" of each characteristic. This saves
// gas and also ensures ascensions only happen when they're visible.
for(traitPos = 0; traitPos < 48; traitPos++) {
// See if this trait pair should ascend
uint8 ascendedTrait = 0;
// There are two checks here. The first is straightforward, only the trait
// in the first slot can ascend. The first slot is zero mod 4.
// The second check is more subtle: Only values that are one apart can ascend,
// which is what we check inside the _ascend method. However, this simple mask
// and compare is very cheap (9 gas) and will filter out about half of the
// non-ascending pairs without a function call.
// The comparison itself just checks that one value is even, and the other
// is odd.
if ((traitPos % 4 == 0) && (genes1Array[traitPos] & 1) != (genes2Array[traitPos] & 1)) {
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 3, randomIndex);
randomIndex += 3;
ascendedTrait = _ascend(genes1Array[traitPos], genes2Array[traitPos], rand);
if (ascendedTrait > 0) {
babyArray[traitPos] = uint8(ascendedTrait);
} else {
// did not ascend, pick one of the parent's traits for the baby
// We use the top bit of rand for this (the bottom three bits were used
// to check for the ascension itself).
rand = _sliceNumber(randomN, 1, randomIndex);
randomIndex += 1;
if (rand == 0) {
babyArray[traitPos] = uint8(genes1Array[traitPos]);
} else {
babyArray[traitPos] = uint8(genes2Array[traitPos]);
return encode(babyArray);
function mixGenes(var arg0, var arg1, var arg2) returns (var r0) {
var var0 = 0x00;
var var1 = var0;
var var2 = 0x00;
var var3 = 0x01da;
var3 = func_0709();
var var4 = 0x01e2;
var4 = func_0709();
var var5 = 0x01ea;
var5 = func_0709();
var var6 = 0x00;
var var7 = var6;
var var8 = var7;
var var9 = var8;
var var10 = var9;
var var11 = var10;
if (block.number <= arg2) { revert(memory[0x00:0x00]); }
var1 = block.blockHash(arg2);
if (var1) {
var temp0 = memory[0x40:0x60];
memory[temp0:temp0 + 0x20] = var1;
var temp1 = temp0 + 0x20;
memory[temp1:temp1 + 0x20] = arg0;
var temp2 = temp1 + 0x20;
memory[temp2:temp2 + 0x20] = arg1;
var temp3 = temp2 + 0x20;
memory[temp3:temp3 + 0x20] = arg2;
var temp4 = memory[0x40:0x60];
var1 = keccak256(memory[temp4:temp4 + (temp3 + 0x20) - temp4]);
var2 = 0x00;
var var12 = 0x0269;
var var13 = arg0;
var12 = decode(var13);
var3 = var12;
var12 = 0x0274;
var13 = arg1;
var12 = decode(var13);
var4 = var12;
var12 = 0x30;
var13 = memory[0x40:0x60];
if (MSIZE() < var13) {
var temp5 = var13;
var temp6 = var12;
memory[temp5:temp5 + 0x20] = temp6;
memory[0x40:0x60] = temp5 + temp6 * 0x20 + 0x20;
var5 = temp5;
var8 = 0x00;
if (var8 >= 0x0c) {
var6 = 0x00;
if (var6 >= 0x30) {
var12 = 0x0547;
var13 = var5;
return encode(var13);
} else {
var11 = 0x00;
var12 = !(var6 % 0x04);
if (!var12) {
if (!var12) {
if (var11 & 0xff <= 0x00) {
var12 = 0x04cc;
var13 = var1;
var var14 = 0x01;
var var15 = var2;
var12 = func_0668(var13, var14, var15);
var10 = var12;
var2 = var2 + 0x01;
if (var10 != 0x00) {
var12 = var4;
var13 = var6;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20];
var13 = var5;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
memory[var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20:var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20 + 0x20] = var12 & 0xff;
var11 = var11;
var6 = var6 + 0x01;
if (var6 >= 0x30) { goto label_053E; }
else { goto label_03FD; }
} else {
var12 = var3;
var13 = var6;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20];
var13 = var5;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
memory[var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20:var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20 + 0x20] = var12 & 0xff;
goto label_0533;
} else {
var12 = var11;
var13 = var5;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 < memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { goto label_04AA; }
else { assert(); }
} else {
var12 = 0x0451;
var13 = var1;
var14 = 0x03;
var15 = var2;
var12 = func_0668(var13, var14, var15);
var10 = var12;
var2 = var2 + 0x03;
var12 = 0x048e;
var13 = var3;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = func_0468(var4, var6, var10, var13, var14);
var11 = var12;
goto label_0491;
} else {
var12 = var4;
var13 = var6;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20] & 0x01;
var13 = var3;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = memory[var14 * 0x20 + var13 + 0x20:var14 * 0x20 + var13 + 0x20 + 0x20] & 0x01 != var12;
goto label_0440;
} else {
var9 = 0x03;
if (var9 < 0x01) {
var11 = var11;
var8 = var8 + 0x01;
if (var8 >= 0x0c) { goto label_03EE; }
else { goto label_02A7; }
} else {
var6 = var8 * 0x04 + var9;
var12 = 0x02c7;
var13 = var1;
var14 = 0x02;
var15 = var2;
var12 = func_0668(var13, var14, var15);
var10 = var12;
var2 = var2 + 0x02;
if (var10 != 0x00) {
var12 = 0x0355;
var13 = var1;
var14 = 0x02;
var15 = var2;
var12 = func_0668(var13, var14, var15);
var10 = var12;
var2 = var2 + 0x02;
if (var10 != 0x00) {
var11 = var11;
var9 = var9 + ~0x00;
if (var9 < 0x01) { goto label_03E3; }
else { goto label_02B4; }
} else {
var12 = var4;
var13 = var6;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var7 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20];
var12 = var4;
var13 = var6 - 0x01;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20];
var13 = var4;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
memory[var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20:var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20 + 0x20] = var12 & 0xff;
var12 = var7;
var13 = var4;
var14 = var6 + ~0x00;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
memory[var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20:var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20 + 0x20] = var12 & 0xff;
goto label_03D7;
} else {
var12 = var3;
var13 = var6;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var7 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20];
var12 = var3;
var13 = var6 - 0x01;
if (var13 >= memory[var12:var12 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
var12 = memory[var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20:var13 * 0x20 + var12 + 0x20 + 0x20];
var13 = var3;
var14 = var6;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
memory[var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20:var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20 + 0x20] = var12 & 0xff;
var12 = var7;
var13 = var3;
var14 = var6 + ~0x00;
if (var14 >= memory[var13:var13 + 0x20]) { assert(); }
memory[var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20:var13 + var14 * 0x20 + 0x20 + 0x20] = var12 & 0xff;
goto label_0349;
} else {
var temp7 = MSIZE();
var temp8 = var12;
memory[temp7:temp7 + 0x20] = temp8;
memory[0x40:0x60] = temp7 + temp8 * 0x20 + 0x20;
var5 = temp7;
var8 = 0x00;
if (var8 >= 0x0c) { goto label_03EE; }
else { goto label_02A7; }
} else {
var temp9 = (block.number & ~0xff) + (arg2 & 0xff);
arg2 = temp9;
if (arg2 < block.number) {
var1 = block.blockHash(arg2);
goto label_022B;
} else {
var temp10 = arg2 - 0x0100;
arg2 = temp10;
var1 = block.blockHash(arg2);
goto label_022B;
We already see several legibility problems here from skim reading a single function:
- Tons of goto style jumping around the code, considered a strong antipattern for comprehension since the late 60s
- A lot of logic that does nothing but create temporary variables to juggle data between the memory and stack (hardware modelling, not cryptokitty modelling)
- It's clearly far longer and more verbose
- Concepts like "list of values" are missing, all we have is direct memory handling
- All the comments are missing
- Almost all names of things are autogenerated garbage like
If a single function from a 2017 experiment looks like this imagine a complete modern defi product. The skill level and time required to know whether a single onchain transaction is safe to sign, based on reading decompiled Solidity, is clearly beyond every human other than professional security researchers.
Following from the extensible/moddable/bidirectional nature, we avoid syntax/structures in the formatted representation of bytecode that cannot be directly derived from the bytecode or trivially inferred with minimal additional metadata that could be produced independently from the auditor.
This is a similar (but different) problem to the implementation (or lack) of macros in languages. A macro is code that creates or modifies other code. The more syntax and lexical structure that exists in some language, the more difficult macros become. We can see this by comparing the process of writing macros in e.g. Rust vs. Clojure.
I don't expect the reader of this document to have significant experience writing macros across (m)any languages. The summary is that the more regular (simpler) the structure of a language, the fewer edge cases that need to be handled when writing code about code, so the easier and less buggy it is to manipulate the code. Similarly we can reduce the need for and improve the implementation of metadata for highly regular code that focuses on small chunks of calculations that build up to an overall intended final outcome.
For that (and other) reason(s) we adopt a forth-y slash lisp-y slash spreadsheet-y syntax for Rainlang.
Rainlang is interpreted onchainβ
Rainlang is an onchain language to be interpreted by smart contracts. It can still be deployed as binary contract data but won't execute as e.g. EVM opcodes.
Rainlang words and binary opcodes and operands map 1:1.
Rainlang has its own opcodes which may mimic low level opcodes such as addition/subtraction but may also be complex and high level such as fetching token balances or more complex math functions.
Smart contracts that intepret Rainlang loop over the binary opcodes and may read/write to a stack of values in memory. Implementations of interpreters are strongly encouraged to implement an O(1) dispatch for opcodes if possible, e.g. directly mapping Rainlang words to function pointers in Solidity by an index in memory.
Rainlang stack movements are predictableβ
Static analysis of any valid expression allows us to know the pushes and pops of data on the stack ahead of time. This means certain opcodes (e.g. arbitrary looping) are impossible.
This allows:
- Offchain tooling to visualise stack height at any point in execution accurately
- Memory to be preallocated for the runtime stack
- Contracts to know that they will have a minimum/specific stack height to pull from at runtime
- Out of bounds reads/writes to be caught at deploy time rather than runtime
Overall we sacrifice some generality for the ability to guarantee/calculate certain things ahead of time in tooling and contracts, which gives us a better legibility/security posture and can save gas for whoever runs the contract.
Rainlang structurally represents its stack movementsβ
Every Rainlang expression has a "left" (LHS) and "right" (RHS) separated by :
This is probably the main Thing To Learn for new authors and readers. The benefit is that the values on the stack are visible in the code itself so any reader can simply tally the size of the stack by looking at the code.
Knowing the shape of a Rainlang stack is critical as the calling contract will be using the stack values by their final positions to drive its own internal logic. For example an order on an order book could be the final 2 positions on a stack as the amount and ratio of token inputs and outputs.
Consider a word foo
with 1 input and 2 outputs.
a b: foo(5);
The symbols a
and b
on the LHS represent the values pushed into the stack by
. Once a value appears on the LHS it is immutable and so cannot be popped
by subsequent words.
This implies that a LHS symbol later in a rainlang expression is a copy operation NOT a reference. I.e. it is an alias to copying a previous stack value to the top of the stack to be popped by the current operation.
a b: foo(5),
c d: foo(a);
Is the same as:
a b: foo(5),
c d: foo(stack(0));
The RHS MAY be empty if the stack itself starts prepopulated with some values,
such as the inputs to a source designed to be entered by call
a b:,
c d: foo(b);
The LHS MAY be empty if the RHS has zero outputs, such as when using ensure
enforce some condition and rollback the transaction (c.f. Solidity's require
: ensure(some-condition);
Values on the LHS MAY be unnamed placeholders merely provided to ensure the stack
height tally is accurate. Placeholders are _
and cannot be referenced later in
the script as this would be ambiguous. _
is selected as it appears in a similar
role in other languages either formally (e.g. Rust) or by common convention.
a _: foo(5),
b c: foo(a);
For all non-placeholder values shadowing (i.e. using the same name multiple times)
is NOT allowed. For example the following would be INVALID as a
appears twice.
Shadowing is an advanced technique in other languages that requires deep understanding
of relevant scoping/hoisting/etc. rules and a common source of bugs when applied
accidentally or inappropriately.
a b: foo(5),
/* INVALID due to second appearance of `a` */
a _: foo(6);
By enforcing immutable "checkpoints" Rainlang works a lot like how every child is taught algebra from early high school. Value semantics are generally more intuitive to reason about and less buggy than mutable/reference semantics. Typically references are ONLY introduced to a language/system to introduce hardware efficiencies, such as Solidity itself passing references to structs rather than paying gas to copy potentially large chunks of data. It's very rare that reference semantics would be introduced for the sake of legibility, it's almost always the inverse, that legibility is being sacrificed for a hardware constraint.
This copying is relatively cheap in the EVM. As we know the total stack size ahead
of time it never causes us to reallocate and copy the entire stack to a new
region of memory. It's only 3
gas to mload
and 3
gas to mstore
no new memory allocations and a single 32 byte value to copy. Total cost including
opcode overheads etc. is about 150-200 gas. Comparable with simple checked math
operations from Solidity 0.8+. We only copy one value at a time and there is no
bitwise manipulation to clean the values or complex ABI encoding to handle.
Sometimes this pattern (e.g. during call
) even allows us to efficiently
deallocate a stack of known size and reuse the same memory region across many
iterations of some logic.
Rainlang has wiki-style metadataβ
While an explicit goal of Rainlang is to be as comprehensible as possible without the author, there are times when an honest author may be able to provide beneficial additional context that cannot be represented by words in the expression alone.
The metadata format for expressions is designed to be compatible with onchain logging to allow a social "immune system" that does not rely on centralised tooling such as etherscan. For example it should be possible for a skilled reader of rainlang to provide alternative metadata to the author, perhaps to correct a malicious/incorrect comment that doesn't accurately describe the behaviour of the script.
Rainlang rejects the idea that there is "one true metadata" for some contract, that only the author knows, and is gated behind signatures from the deployment key on etherscan.
Audits of honest code frequently pick up typos and stale documentation. Vulnerabilities are often discovered after the fact. The ability for peers to post metadata about rainlang expressions on equal footing with the authors allows deception to be uncovered in a decentralised way.
Rainlang has commentsβ
Comments in Rainlang are denoted by /* */
much like many other languages.
Other comment forms are not supported. Having a single form for comments is the simplest possible option. The form chosen is the one that supports inline comments.
Specifically we want this to be valid:
(foo 1 2 /* comment */ 3)
And this:
/* comment */
(foo 1 2 3)
Comments are made available as metadata.
Rainlang words can have multiple inputs and outputsβ
Much like WASM we have the challenge of multi value returns to support.
This seems unavoidable to support use cases such as:
- ERC1155 balanceOfBatch function
- looping N times, adding outputs to the stack on each iteration
As a stack language it is trivial to implement multiple values, we simply add more than one value to the stack. The challenge comes from a visual/text representation that explicitly and bidirectionally embodies the structure of the stack. One saving grace here is that we always know how many inputs/outputs on the stack a word has (see above) without needing to run it.
Multiple outputs are ONLY supported on the LHS as either named or placeholder items.
Technically this can be enforced onchain by integrity checks that disallow popping of multivalue outputs, forcing a subsequent stack copy to use those values.
Older versions of Rainlang included placeholders in the RHS to support nested multioutputs but the results were confusing.
For example consider the following nested outputs assuming _
can be a placeholder
on the RHS.
_ _ _: _ _ add(_ call<1 4 1>(x) 1 2);
This represents a call
with 4 outputs, 2 being consumed by add
and 2 being
"free" to match against the LHS, with a net result of 3 LHS values.
The problem is that a slight change to the ordering of the inputs causes add
apparently no longer be commutative and in fact error. The following produces an
impossible stack movement where 1 2
would have to somehow inject itself
between the outputs of call
to be popped by add
_ _ _: _ _ add(1 2 _ call<1 4 1>(x));
An experienced author would be able to understand the relationship between stack
movements and Rainlang words. They could see that the split outputs from call
are invalid, even if the wrapping add
is otherwise valid.
The question is whether on the whole, does the value provided by allowing for the nesting of multioutput functions justify the barrier to entry?
Consider the alternative form of both the above expressed purely in terms of LHS.
a b c d: call<1 4 1>(x),
_ _ _: a b add(c d 1 2);
a b c d: call<1 4 1>(x),
_ _ _: a b add(1 2 c d);
In this case BOTH the rearrangements of add
are valid (as expected for addition)
and overall the expressions read more cleanly, at the cost of some additional
stack copies.
Newer versions of Rainlang ONLY support the LHS form of multioutputs, preferring the improved legibility and removal of a footgun over the moderate gas saving afforded by the RHS form.
External outputs examplesβ
Consider a word foo
that has 0 inputs and 3 outputs and bar
that takes 1 input and has 1 output.
The simplest example of external outputs is to destructure the outputs anonymously.
_ _ _: (foo)
Results in a stack of the 3 anonymous _ _ _
outputs of foo
a b _: (foo)
_: (bar a)
Results in a stack a b _ _
where the first 3 values are from foo
and the final anonymous output is from bar
Note that where a
is used as an input to bar
this is shorthand for:
_ _ _: (foo)
_: (bar (stack 0))
Where stack
is a word that copies an existing stack item to the stack top so that it can be read by subsequent words (bar
in this case).
The final expression MAY elide the external outputs if the author/reader is comfortable to do so. Default formatting for readers is to display all outputs.
This is the most concise valid form of the above but requires the reader to know the number of outputs of bar
to visualise the full stack in their mind.
a _ _: (foo)
(bar a)
Multiple final expressions without external outputs are also valid.
a _ c: (foo)
(bar a)
(bar c)
Yields a stack of a _ c _ _
where the final two values are from the final two bars respectively.
Rainlang is chain agnostic, bound to interpreters not networksβ
Rainlang has a native .rain file formatβ
Rainlang has a spectrum of representations from concise->explicitβ
Rainlang is -fix agnostic and operatorlessβ
Many languages define "operators" and "functions" differently. Generally calling a function is an operation and the idea of an operator is something more fundamental.
The syntax for operators may not be regular and require rote learning including precedence and associativity rules.
Rainlang has only function calls, which has several benefits:
- There are no associativity rules to learn (and potentially get wrong)
- There is no ambiguity over which inputs are for what function calls
- Every interpreter is free to reimplement/include/exclude any/all possible words
This is achieved by making parens ()
mandatory for all calls.
Once we have parens, we no longer care about the -fix. Prefix, infix, suffix are all valid function calls, even a combination of.
These are all equivalent expressions.
(1 + 2 + 3)
(1 + 2 3)
(1 2 + 3)
+(1 2 3)
(+ 1 2 3)
(1 2 3 +)
(1 2 3)+
+++(1 2 3)+++
This works because Rainlang can distinguish between literals, functions and parens directly without relying on their position within the text.
The author may attempt to obfuscate their code through creative syntax but the reader doesn't rely on the author's representation of the source code (see above). All Rainlang expressions can be trivially canonicalized to whatever -fix notation the reader prefers.